
Privacy Policy

AGREEMENT BETWEEN USER AND recognises the importance of maintaining your privacy. We value your privacy and appreciate your trust in us. This Policy describes how we treat user information we collect on or on Android App(Kushinagar News) and other offline sources. This Privacy Policy applies to current and former visitors to our website and to our online customers. By visiting and/or using our website, you agree to this Privacy Policy. is an Online News portal operated from Kushinagar up india. content means audio, video, text, images or other content made available to you through online Services and may sometimes include content which is owned or controlled by third parties which the is permitted to make available to you through the relevant Online Service.

Contact email

If you think that .com Content and/or any online Service should not be appearing on a website, blog or service then please contact us at

Information we collect

Information you post. We collect information you post in a public space on our website or on a third-party social media site belonging to

Demographic information. We may collect demographic information about you, events you like, events you intend to participate in, tickets you buy, or any other information provided by your during the use of our website. We might collect this as a part of a survey also.

Other information. If you use our website, we may collect information about your IP address and the browser you’re using. We might look at what site you came from, duration of time spent on our website, pages accessed or what site you visit when you leave us. We might also collect the type of mobile device you are using, or the version of the operating system your computer or device is running.

We collect information in different ways.

We collect information directly from you. We collect information directly from you when you register for an event. We also collect information if you post a comment on our websites or ask us a question through phone or email.

We collect information from you passively. We use tracking tools like Google Analytics, Google Webmaster, browser cookies and web beacons for collecting information about your usage of our website.

We get information about you from third parties. For example, if you use an integrated social media feature on our websites. The third-party social media site will give us certain information about you. This could include your name and email address.

Use of your personal information

We use information to contact you: We might use the information you provide to contact you for confirmation or solution of a query on our website or for other promotional purposes.

We use information to respond to your requests or questions. We might use your information to confirm your registration for an event or contest.

We use information to improve our products and services. We might use your information to customize your experience with us. This could include displaying content based upon your preferences.

We use information to look at site trends and customer interests. We may use your information to make our website and products better. We may combine information we get from you with information about you we get from third parties.

We use information for security purposes. We may use information to protect our company, our customers, or our websites.

Data Security and Integrity is concerned about the security of your data. We have implemented technical and organizational security measures that are designed to help protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use and modification. From time-to-time, we review our security procedures to consider appropriate new technologies and methods.

Please be aware, though, that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot ensure, and do not warrant or guarantee, that the information you transmit to will remain secure, nor do we guarantee that this information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered, destroyed or used in an unauthorized manner.

If we learn of a security breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps. We may also post a notice on the Site or Services if a security breach occurs. Depending on where you live, you may have a legal right to receive a notice of a security breach in writing.

Data Retention

How long we keep the personal information we collect depends on the type of information, the purpose for which it is used, how sensitive it is, and similar factors. In general, we will retain your personal information for the length of time reasonably needed to fulfil the purposes outlined in this privacy policy (including for as long as need to provide you or our customer with products and services), unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. We will also retain and use your information for as long as necessary to resolve disputes and/or enforce our rights and agreements. We retain your account information for the Services for as long as your employer’s account is active and thereafter unless your employer requests deletion. Non-personally identifiable and aggregated information may be stored indefinitely.

We may share information if we think we have to in order to comply with the law or to protect ourselves. We will share information to respond to a court order or subpoena. We may also share it if a government agency or investigatory body requests. Or, we might also share information when we are investigating potential fraud.

Third party sites

If you click on one of the links to third party websites, you may be taken to websites we do not control. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of those websites. Read the privacy policy of other websites carefully. We are not responsible for these third party sites.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies and similar technologies to help us recognise you across different Services, learn about your interests, improve your experience, measure use and effectiveness of our Services, and serve advertising. By continuing to browse the site you are giving your consent for us to set cookies.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device (computer, tablet or mobile) when you are on the Internet.We mainly use these Cookies on our sites in order to make your browsing more pleasant and to improve the use and the functionality of them; for instance, to recognize you on your next login and to offer you content tailored to your expectations and your interests. We also use these files to perform traffic statistics and to determine how you discovered our sites. Some of the cookies we use are Google Analytics, Web beacons, Lotame, Pixels, Comscore.

When does use cookies?

We use cookies on our websites . Any browser loading our sites will receive cookies from us. does not use cookies to sell customer information

Is it possible to turn off cookies?

Yes. You can control cookies through your browser settings and other tools.


In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under, you can contact us on our email

If you have any questions about this Policy or other privacy concerns, you can also email us at

Updates to this policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 21.06.2021. From time to time we may change our privacy practices. We will notify you of any material changes to this policy as required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our website. Please check our site periodically for updates.


If you choose to visit the website, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Policy and the website’s terms of use. In addition to the foregoing, any disputes arising under this Policy shall be governed by the laws of India. Subject to Kushinagar Jurisdiction.

Durgesh rai kushinagar